Rock your Reading & Spelling

Sue's Strategies

Rock your Reading & Spelling


a book titled rock your reading and spelling by Sues Strategies

For students struggling with English, and for teachers and parents assisting them, your go-to resource is Rock Your Reading & Spelling.

Lawrence Lipson, Educational Consultant

Rock Your Reading & Spelling

Sue’s Strategies® explains Vowels and Suffixes: Friends or Enemies?

Rock Your Reading & Spelling explains how to make vowels and suffixes friends and allies. A misread vowel sound significantly alters the meaning of a word. Check out the differences in meaning that result from changing just one vowel in the following words: bad, bed, bid, bud.

Sue’s Strategies® presents some illustrated solutions for identifying the correct vowel sound at first look. 

Likewise, a misread suffix may change the meaning of a sentence because suffixes can switch parts of speech. For example, the word “work” may function as a verb, a noun, or an adjective. Check out the grammatical possibilities for “work”: work, worker, workable idea, working woman. The usage for each suffix is clarified so the reader comprehends and writes better. 

The difference in pronunciation between a root word’s use of letters and the same letters added to a root word as a suffix is emphasized to enable people to read words like dr
ive and massive correctly.  Rock Your Reading & Spelling builds upon the foundations of PSS for Phonics and Best Spelling Choices but adds some powerful, advanced methods to improve reading, spelling, and writing.

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