Grammar the Easy Way 10 Minutes A Day

Sue's Strategies

Grammar the Easy Way
10 Minutes A Day

A Beginners Program in sentence structure to overcome writing obstacles.

a book titled Grammar the easy way 10 minutes a day by Sues Strategies

Sue’s Strategies brings grammar alive! As a Spanish teacher, I have worked with many foreign students. Using Sue’s instructions will help any student visually understand the grammatical concepts. This wonderful resource keeps student’s attention with bright colors and illustrations. I strongly recommend this text for anyone interested in gaining proficiency in English.

Carmen Merullo, SPED teacher & Counselor

Grammar the Easy Way
10 Minutes A Day

A Program for beginners in sentence structure to overcome writing obstacles.

Find answers in Grammar the Easy Way, 10 Minutes A Day to end confusion and clarify language usage. After defining the sentence, Ms. Kahn teaches how to expand a sentence from the essential noun subject and verb to longer sentences of fifteen to thirty words. Find out how by studying prepositional phrases and adverb clauses. Interesting practice exercises provide an opportunity to try out new skills. Colorful card symbols for nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs increase memory and make learning easier. 

Sue’s Strategies Grammar the Easy Way, 10 Minutes A Day offers a beginner’s program in sentence structure to overcome writing obstacles. Based on the most common errors made by her students, Ms. Kahn explains the three essential ingredients of a sentence. Because a sentence needs only two words, Ms. Kahn teaches sentence expansion via the prepositional phrase and the adverb clause. Can you change a two word sentence into a thirty word sentence? Find out how! 

Do students face other challenges? Yes! What looks like a noun may not be a noun, and what looks like a verb may not be a verb. To avoid being fooled, learn the function of a noun, a pronoun, a verb, an adjective, and an adverb. Then a person can master different ways to express these parts of speech so that individuals become the manager or boss of their sentences and writing style. This knowledge improves self-confidence, grades, essays, reports, and even job promotions.

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